Chicago Shareholder Joseph L. Kish will speak at the upcoming Pincus Professional Education seminar, How to Master the Art of Jury Selection, in Chicago on November 29, 2018.
This program will offer strategies, practical tips, and advice for selecting and rejecting jurors. Faculty will discuss the rules, critical cases, and how the current political climate might impact a jury. Faculty will also hold a mock jury selection session at the end of the day to give you an example of what works and what can hurt your case.
Topics include:
Overview of Jury Selection
- Is it jury selection or jury de-selection?
The Rules
- Challenging jurors for cause
- Batson/Wheeler motions
- Monitoring jurors’ social media
- Allowable sources of information about jurors
- Civil v. criminal rules
The Mechanics
- The basic mechanics
- Rating and tracking
- Planting seeds and introducing themes
- The danger of demographics
- Challenges - Strike strategies
- Juror Questionnaires
Voir Dire
- How to ask the right questions
- Do’s and don’ts
- Questions from the bench
- Efficient approaches
- Identifying “bad” leaders
- Time limits
The Potential Impact of our Political Climate
Dealing with Your Jury During Trial
Personal Injury v. Commercial Disputes
Mock Jury Selection Session
The conference organizer, Pincus Pro Ed, has created a "Friend of the Speaker" discount for 10% off using coupon code FOSJURYIL. For anyone who wants to register four or more attorneys, please contact Pincus for an additional discount. If you would like to register for this seminar or are seeking additional information, please click this link. An audio recording will be available for anyone who cannot attend in person.
This program has been approved for 6.5 units of general CLE and 1 unit of Professional Responsibility credit in Illinois.